Product information
PS has excellent high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, radiation resistance, flame retardant, balanced physical and mechanical properties and excellent dimensional stability and excellent electrical properties. Compared with other high performance thermoplastic engineering plastics PPS has the characteristics of easy processing, low cost and good adhesion with other materials, so it becomes an excellent resin matrix for manufacturing composite materials.
Although PPS material has many advantages, but the pure PPS material is not only brittle, impact resistance is poor, and the processing is difficult, the price is expensive. In order to improve these defects, we need to modify the PPS material. The modified PPS material can improve its thermal conductivity, wear resistance and high temperature resistance.
Advantages of Long glass fiber reinforced plastics (compared to short glass fiber reinforced plastics)
Maintain high rigidity at higher temperatures
1.Maintain high toughness at high and low temperatures
2.Less shrinkage, less warping
3.Reduction of creep
4.Good chemical resistance
5.The linear coefficient of thermal expansion is similar to that of metals
6.The system comprehensive cost is low

Product datasheet
Compared with PPS/SGF materials, the mechanical properties of PPS/LGF are improved by 2-5 times. The tensile strength, bending strength, bending elastic modulus, notched impact strength and non-notched impact strength of PPS/SGF materials are all improved.

Product application
La serie PPS rinforzata con fibra lunga Xiamen è costituita dal 20% ~ 60% di fibra di vetro lunga / materiale composito di polifenilensolfuro rinforzato con fibra di carbonio lunga, eccellenti proprietà meccaniche, bassa densità, buona tenacità, resistenza alle alte temperature, isolamento e ritardante di fiamma, bordo basso, flusso elevato e proprietà chimiche superiori, è un eccellente sostituto del metallo e della ceramica, ha una vasta gamma di applicazioni in vari campi.

Esposizione del prodotto
Le plastiche PPS hanno anche una lucentezza superficiale superiore. Può essere colorato anziché spruzzato, contribuendo così a ridurre la comparsa di graffi e graffi. Il colore è originale e può essere personalizzato secondo le tue necessità.